
Kintrishi Protected Areas' Management Plan Discussions
On 15th of December, 2019, Kintrishi Protected Areas's managment plan discussions will be held at LEPL Agency of Protected Areas.

Announcement of the Agency of Protected Areas

Renewed lighting system has installed at Prometheus Cave

Borjom-Khargauli National Park was visited by Italian photographer Andreas Pistoseli
Borjom-Khargauli National Park was visited by Italian photographer Andreas Pistoseli. He visited eco-tourist trails, got information about biodiversity and as well as had shot film in order to promote national park and environmental issues on international level.

On the behalf of the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia’s LEPL Agency of Protected Areas, we are informing you, due to the technical research works, temporary Navenakhevi Cave will be closed from 24th of July.

electronic tickets
On the behalf of the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia's LEPL Agency of Protected Areas we announce that electronic tickets selling will be tested from 3rd of May, in order to improve customer service. Visitors entrance procedure and financial issues are monitoring by the company
The above company arranged infrastructure in visitors' centers, installed tourniquets, video -surveillance system, printing ticket machinery, as well as the tools by which visitors are able to purchase ticket quickly.
Due to the electronic tickets' system installment, prices has increased. VAT is added to the price as well. We Would like to emphasize that the price growth is minimal and consists 10-15%.
For detail information about prices please visit to the following link: /uploads/other/5/5004.pdf

From 26th to 29th of April is Easter break in the administrations of the Agency of Protected Areas
We are announcing that the following administrations of the Agency of Protected Areas will have Easter break:
Prometehus Cave
Navenakhevi Cave
Martvili Canyon
Okatse Canyon
Kolkheti National Parl
National Parks of Georgia awaits you from 30th of April!

Electronic Auction
Agency of Protected Areas of Georgia announces electronic auction in Tbilisi National Park, nearby Zedazeni’s territory.

Electronic Auction
LEPEL Agency of Protected Areas is obliged to announce electronic auction on Tetra Cave Natural Monument leasing.
The winner must arrange infrastructure inside and outside territory of the cave, as well as provide nearby territory’s lightening, according to the agreed project within Agency of Protected Areas.
For further information please visit the following link:

Repairing works are in the process at Martvili Canyon
At the most popular national park in Georgia – Martvili Canyon, repairing works are in the process. The above process was inspected by the Chairman of the Agency of Protected Areas Mr. Valerian Mchedlidze.
Martvili Canyon was visited by 200 000 visitors in 2018. Out of them 40% is Georgian and 60% is foreigner.

Repairing works had finished at Okatse Canyon
The repaired infrastructure of Okatse Canyon were visited by the Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia Mr. Iuri Nozadze and Chairman of the Agency of Protected Areas Mr. Valerian Mchedlidze.
In accordance with global tendencies, the transparent floor was constructed. As well as side thick ropes were replaced by rust-proof ones. 13 bridges were reconstructed where the tree materials were replaced by metal.
The rehabilitation works were totally cost 120 328 GEL. The above procedures were implemented by the own revenues of the Agency of Protected Areas and as well as by the financial support of the Government.

The Georgian Expert Assessment Group for the Green List established
The Green List journey has started in earnest in Georgia, with the formation of an Expert Assessment Group for the Green List (EAGL). Comprised of national experts from a range of diverse backgrounds, the 10 members of the Georgian EAGL are ready to lead the Green List work in their country. EAGLs are the national expert bodies set up within a jurisdiction, e.g. a country or region within a country.
The first meeting of the EAGL is already being planned, where they will be trained on the IUCN Green List programme, including the IUCN Green List Standard, the User Manual and COMPASS (the internal data management system) platform. Their first major task will be to adapt the indicators of the principles of the IUCN Green List Standard into the Georgian context. The adapted indicator list will soon be published for public consultation, please check the IUCN Green list website for updates. This ensures that the IUCN Green List fulfils its tagline of “globally consistent, locally relevant”.
Georgia has incredibly diverse landscapes and is a haven for biodiversity, ranging from woodlands and forests to alpine terrain to desert and has a long coastline bordering the Black Sea. This rich myriad of biomes is protected under Georgia’s robust system of protected areas. Categories of protected areas in Georgia include strict nature reserves, national parks, natural monuments and habitat management areas, and newly proposed, although not yet designated, Multiple Use Landscapes. Georgia already has a strong tradition of assessing their protected areas for the last 15 years and are keen to continue this tradition by also adding the good governance component.
The IUCN Green List of Protected and Conserved Areas is the first global standard of best practice for area-based conservation. It is a programme of certification for protected and conserved areas – national parks, natural World Heritage sites, community conserved areas, nature reserves and so on – that are effectively managed and fairly governed. By giving recognition to well-managed and well-governed protected and conserved areas, the IUCN Green List aims to increase the number of natural areas delivering long-lasting conservation results for people and nature.

Navenakhevi Cave is open and welcomes visitors

A Memorandum was signed at the Agency of Protected Areas
Memorandum was signed between Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Georgia’s LEPL Agency of Protected Areas and Organization ‘Society of Nature Conservation.’

Eco-educational activities
Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Georgia’s LEPL Agency of Protected Areas actively participating in eco-educational activities in 2018 year. In the frame of the activities, lectures and meetings with population was holding actively.