Mission and Objectives

The Agency’s primary responsibility is to manage Georgia’s strict nature reserves, national parks, natural monuments, managed reserves, protected landscapes, biosphere reserves, world heritage sites and wetland sites of international importance.  

The objective of the Agency is to improve the management of protected areas, ensure functionality of territorial administrations, supervise the process of following legally established regulations and to plan, create and develop new protected areas.

The main objectives of the Agency of Protected Areas are:

  • Long-term protection of bio-geographic units of Georgia in order to ensure continuous development of natural processes;
  • Protection and restoration of natural ecosystems, landscapes and living organisms;
  • Protection of diversity of the gene pool of “Red Listed” and endangered wild animals and conservation of biodiversity;
  • Maintaining unique and rare organic and inorganic natural formations;
  • Protect territories that have been actively affected by erosion, mudslides, floods, avalanches, landslides, areas for surface and underground water formation, as well as flow and discharge areas from anthropogenic impact;
  • Conservation and restoration of historical-cultural landscapes, and the landscapes characteristic to architectural and archeological complexes;
  • Creating appropriate field conditions for invaluable and irreplaceable objects to be used for educational purposes and scientific research;
  • Ensuring favorable conditions in natural and historical-cultural environments for recreation, the promotion of healthy living and tourism;
  • Supporting traditional agricultural activities and the protection, restoration and development of folk arts in order to preserve Georgia’s unique historical-cultural environment;
  • Stimulating activities that contribute to saving natural resources and territories intended for agricultural, industrial, transportation and energy purposes.