2nd of February is Worlds Wetlands Day

On 2nd of February is being celebrated Worlds Wetlands Day. At the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia, Deputy Minister Ekaterine Grigalava hosted CENN’s Eco camp’s schoolchildren.  

Agency of Protected Areas’ Planning and Development Unit’s chief specialist Khatuna Tsiklauri held a presentation for spectators, where had been discussed aims of the creation of wetlands territories, their significance and ongoing process at the similar areas. At the meeting, biodiversity topics of Kolkheti National Park and Kobuleti Protected Areas had been discussed too.

This year had been celebrated Worlds Wetlands Day’s 45 years anniversary. International significance wetland territories in Georgia are: Kolkheti watlends (includes: Imnati, Nabada, Churia wetlands, Paliastomi lake and its surrounding territories) and Ispani Wetland (includes Kobuleti Manged Reserve and Strict Nature Reserve).