8.2 Million Euros for the Protected Areas

8.2 Million Euros for the Protected Areas 

An agreement between the Agency of Protected Areas of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia and the German Consulting Group (GFA) was signed. The German Development Bank (KFW) in cooperation with the Agency of Protected Areas of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection will be contributing 8.2 million Euros towards the development of 4 Protected Areas in Georgia. The agreement, according to which the development of infrastructure is planned, was signed by Rati japaridze, the Chairman of the Agency and Daniel Wahby, the representative of the German Consulting Group. The signing ceremony was attended by Khatuna Gogaladze, the Minister of the Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia. 

The 8.2 million Euros grant will be spend during the next 5 years. According to the agreement, the development of infrastructure in Algeti, Kazbegi and Kintrishi Protected Areas, as well as strengthening the Administrations of the above-mentioned PAs is considered. Furthermore, establishing of Pshav-Khevsureti Protected Areas is planned. The project aims at elaboration of high standard management plans, development of eco-tourist trails, construction of shelters and picnic areas, as well as construction and equipment of administrative buildings, demarcation of boundaries of PAs, establishing of bio- monitoring system and capacity building of the employees of the PA administrations.