Facilitation of development of Protected Areas of Adjara

Facilitation of development of Protected Areas of Adjara

Agency of Protected Areas of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia and the United Nations Development Programme are launching a new project that will facilitate development of protected areas in the Autonomous Republic of Adjara. Minister of Environmental and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia, Ms. Khatuna Gogaladze and Head of UNDP in Georgia, Mr. Niels Scott signed the project document. The four-year project will assist expansion of the network of protected areas in Adjara that includes Kintrishi Protected Areas, Mtirala National Park and the newly established Machakhela National Park. The project envisages development of infrastructure, improvement of management, and implementation of various socio-economic projects in Machakhela National Park.

During the project implementation, particular attention will be paid to the local population, their involvement in the process of managing protected areas and possibilities of employment and revenue generation.

The project will also promote cooperation with Camili Biosphere Reserve, located in Turkey, which together with protected areas of Adjara makes up the system for preserving Colchic forests, which provides an unique opportunity for eco-tourism development.

The project is funded by Global Environmental Facility and UNDP. The total budget exceeds 1.5 million USD.