Algeti National Park is 50 years old

Algeti National Park’s 50th year anniversary had been held. At the yard of National Park, dedicated exhibition of the anniversary had been arranged too,  where school children’s artworks house in nature had been exhibited. At the trees, nest made by schoolchildren had been constructed too.

Chairman of the Agency of Protected Areas, Lasha Moistsrapishvili held a presentation for guests about Algeti National Park’s establishment and importance. Deputy Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia Ekaterine Grigalava had a speech about park’s achievement and  future plans. According to her speech, very important measures had been taken against poaching.     

Ekaterine Grigalava awarded park’s employees within certificate of thankful and memorable gifts, also winners  of the  so-called competition House in Nature were awarded.

Algeti National Park is located nearby Tbilisi, it is convenient place for recreation and entertainment. Park has a good potential for horse riding, photo-video shootings, bird watching, ecological, botanical and driving tours.  The event had been attended by donor organizations, members of local government and other honored guests.