Fire Trucks for the Administration of Borjomi-Kharagauli National Park

Fire Trucks for the Administration of Borjomi-Kharagauli National Park
Company Energotrans, for the use of the Borjomi-Kharagauli National Park Administration purchased two 4WD pick-up trucks equipped with mobile fire extinguishers. The mentioned cars were granted to the Administration as a compensational measure for the rehabilitation and construction works of the 500 kilowatt electricity power transmission lines at the territory of the Park and implemented within the framework of the Black Sea Regional Power Transmission Project.
The section of the Borjomi-Kharagauli NP were the construction works were carried out, belongs to a high risk fire zone. From now on, in any emergency situation related to fire breaking, the staff of the Administration will respond quickly and efficiently. Today, Khatuna Gogaladze, the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia symbolically handed car keys to employees of park administration. Rati Japharidze – the Chairman of Agency of Protected Areas, Dimitry Beridze - Governor of Borjomi Municipality, as well as Heads of Energotrans Company and representatives of the German Bank for Development and Reconstruction (KFW) attended the event.