Business ideas selection competition

In the frame of the project facilitation of Kintrishi Protected Areas, Algeti National Park and Kazbegi National Park’s nearby villages, business ideas selection competition had been held.

As a result of the above competition, 10 ideas at each administration had been selected, that will be available to be implemented in future. Winners got financial award - 400 Gel. It should be mentioned, that winners had be chosen by the jury, that’s members had been selected by the regional advisory council and population. Business idea should satisfy the following criteria: innovativeness of the idea; innovation necessity and possible benefits, ability to meet local market, scale, co-participation, environmental compliance, free from political and religious themes; real possibilities implementation in practice.

At each administration, regional advisory council had been established, in order to manage program in effective manner. The members of the above council are representatives of Municipality, City Council, administration’s employees, and other representatives of the institutions. By the organization of the council, various competitions will be held in 2015-2019, for the population of protected areas’ nearby villages. Project had been implemented by the financial support of protected areas’ project.