Chairman of the Agency of Protected Areas Lasha Moistsrapishvili transmissed nut-sorting equipment to agricultural cooperative

In the frame of the project Adjarian Protected Areas Development and Management Improvement, at the support zone of Kintrishi Protected Areas, chairman of the Agency of Protected Areas Lasha Moistsrapishvili and UNDP project manager Irakli Goradze transferred 5900 GEL worth nut sorting machine to the members of Chakhati cooperative. The above equipment will facilitate to harvest on time, to reduce production’s value and to increase income on an average 1 GEL per one kg.

At Kobuleti region, village Chakhati, a cooperative had been registered, which includes 5 members and its main object is plant-growing, fruit-growing and bee-keeping.

The project is being implemented by UNDP and by the financial support of GEF and aims facilitation of sustainable agricultural products production.