Agency of Protected Areas introduces new program software

Agency of Protected Areas introduces new program software

The Agency of Protected Areas is planning to introduce a new budgeting, accounting and reporting computer program software. The aforementioned project is supported by German Financial Cooperation with Georgia, Transboundary Joint Secretariat (TJS) and Caucasus Nature Fund (CNF).  

The program will allow the Central and Territorial Administrations of the Agency to perform in a much more flexible financial and reporting system. As an example, currently it is extremely difficult to distinguish the expenditure costs for each territorial entity, after introducing the new software it will be possible to obtain the information with only one click. As a result, the labor efficiency and the level of the cooperation among the employees will be increased.  

Under the scope of the project, the report regarding the current situation of existing program software was prepared by the audit company KPMG and necessary recommendations were developed. At present, the new program will be launched in test mode and pilot versions will be initiated in two territorial units. The operation of the program will be under supervision and after determining and eliminating inaccuracies, it will involve the entire system. The complete program is expected to be launched within the next nine months.