Estimating the number and density of mammals in Lagodekhi

 Estimating the number and density of mammals in Lagodekhi

On December 1, 2013, scientific research was conducted to determine the number and density of mammals populating the LagodekhiProtected Areas. The research utilized aerial photography and shooting film from a helicopter. Determining the mammal population and its density is possible using the special transectstechnique and the data is processed using a special cameral method.

The Ministry of Environment and Natural Recourses Protection and Ilia State University professors initiated the research. Zurab Gurielidze, Natia Kopaliani and Lekso Gavashelishvili conducted the initial study. The event was also attended by Shalva Amirejibi, Deputy Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Protection Shalva Amirejibi, Rati Japaridze, Chairman of the Agency of Protected Areas, SosoKartsivadze, Head of the Department of Biodiversity.

The research was conducted not only at the territories of LagodekhiProtecteed Areas – Lagodekhi State Reserve and Lagodekhi Managed Reserve - but also in the nearby buffer zones. During the aerial photo shootings, populations of tur, deer, bear, roe deer and other mammals were sighted. As for birds, alarge population of snowcocks was also observed. The acquired materials will be processed at the laboratory of Ilia State University and the results will be forwarded to the Ministry of Environment and Natural Recourses Protection for further analysis. It must be noted that this is the first type of such kind during the last decades and aims at determining the state / density of species in PAs.