European Diploma for Vashlovani Protected Areas

European Diploma for Vashlovani Protected Areas
On March 24, 2014, meeting of the Group of Specialists on the European Diploma of Protected Areas initiated by the Council of Europe was held in Strasbourg, France. The aim of the meeting was to discuss and identify different protected areas to be granted with the European Diploma.
The meeting was attended by Rati Japaridze, the Chairman of the Agency of Protected Areas by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection. His attendance was a result of the nomination of Vashlovani Protected Areas at the European Council to be granted with the European Diploma and participation in the discussion process.
The European Diploma of Protected Areas is a prestigious international award granted since 1965 by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe to natural and semi-natural areas and landscapes of exceptional European importance for the preservation of biological, geological and landscape diversity and managed in an exemplary way.
The next stage is a visit of Experts from European Diploma granting committee to Vashlovani Protected Areas and further estimation of its value. Within a year the decision will be made whether the application to receive this prestigious Diploma for Vashlovani Protected Areas has been satisfied.