Information about the activities carried out by the Kolkheti Fund

Information about the activities carried out by the Kolkheti Fund

On November 28, 2013, Kolkheti Protected Areas Development Fund, financial resources of which are directed towards infrastructure development, rehabilitation and research work in Kolkheti National Park and Kobuleti Protected Areas, announced a tender for the procurement of the construction works for the visitors center at Kholkheti NP.

As a result of the competition among three participants, City Group Development Ltd has been announced as the winner of the mentioned tender and is obliged to take responsibility to complete the construction works within 60 days of signing a contract with an estimate price of 168 425 Gel.

Furthermore, on November 1st, 2013, the agreement was signed with the filed researches union Campester as a result of which the union arranged and installed special shelters along the Kulevi Railway Line to be used by the bats inhabiting the area.      

Kolkheti Protected Areas Development Fund, which started its initial functioning only this year, is actively working on a variety of infrastructure and research projects. In 2014 it is planned to accomplish several significant ventures among which the most important one is construction of a new administrative building at Kobuleti-Kintrishi Protected Area.