Competition for Improvement of Socio-Economical Conditions of Local Population in Kazbegi Municipality

Competition for Improvement of Socio-Economical Conditions of Local Population in Kazbegi Municipality 

Transboundary Joint Secretariat for Nature Conservation in the South Caucasus (TJS), in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection, the Agency of Protected Areas, the Municipality of Kazbegi and the regional working group is implementing a program aiming to improve the socio-economical conditions of the local population living in the nearby areas of Kazbegi National Park. The mentioned program is based on participation principles and is conducted with the direct involvement of the members of local communities.

On February 24, 2014, under the scope of the project the competition for the locals residing in Kazbegi Municipality was held, intending to identify the gathered knowledge and best practices in the fields of improving the economical conditions of local households. In total 26 applications were submitted among which the best 10 ideas were identified and financed with the sum of 400 Gel each. Winning ideas will be published in the magazine of local Non-Governmental Organization Stepantsminda and distributed among local residents, as well as different institutions.

On February 25, the competition was held among four large villages of Kazbegi: Sioni, Arsha, Khurtisi and Pkhelshe. The contest was based on the joint proposal of the mentioned villages, which should reflect overall vision of needs and problems existing in the particular village. The result of the competition was as follows: first place – Village Sioni with the project aiming to improve conditions at the local sports club (8 000 Gel); second place – Village Pkhelshe with the proposal of purchasing of arable equipment according to the needs of the village (3 500 Gel); third place – Village Arsha with the project of reintroduction of traditional handicraft practices into the local community and the fourth place – Village Khurtisi – purchasing the automatic scythes for the needs of the village (2 000 Gel).

The main criteria of the competition were to offer environmentally friendly and sustainable activities. Both competitions were held openly and in the decision making process were involved all interested parties and local community members.

In the frame of the mentioned program several other competitions are planned to be held in the future as well, which will enable to improve the socio-economic conditions of the residents living in rural areas in accordance with the environmental protection principles and at the same time will help to promote  protected areas, as well as will enhance the rate of involvement of the rural residents in the processes taking place at a local level.