Meeting with the representatives of Rumanian organization ProPark

Chairman of the Agency of Protected Areas Lasha Moistsrapishvili held a meeting with Rumanian organization ProPark’s representatives and other interested parties. At the meeting were discussed National Plan for Capacity Building for the Protected Areas of Georgia, existing situation’s analyze and future plans.

At the meeting were discussed strategic directions and effective methods of major tasks implementation.

At the first stage, at twenty-three target countries, including Georgia implemented basic capacities research and estimations. Second stage includes capacity strength, collaboration of studying programs in Rumania and Moldova. The above will be implemented  as a result of capacities evaluation and institutional works.

National Plan for Capacity Building for the Protected Areas of Georgia had been drawn out in the frame of the project Capacity Building Plans for Efficient Protected Area Management in Eastern Europe that is financed by BfN and implemented by ProPark fund of Rumania.