Memorandum within Georgian National Museum

Cooperation memorandum has been signed between Agency of Protected Areas and Georgian National Museum. The ceremony has been held at Javakheti Protected Areas. The above memorandum has been signed by the Chairman of the Agency of Protected Areas Lasha Moistsrapishvili and by the Director of National Museum Davit Lortkipanidze. The ceremony was attended by the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia Gigla Agulashvili and Deputy Minister Ekaterine Grigalava.

In the frame of the memorandum, at Javakheti Protected Areas’ Visitor Centre’s yard archeological playing square and exhibition area had been established, where Javakheti region exposition has been established. Akhalkalaki public school 5th and 6th grade students took part in simulated archeological excavation and discovered artefacts. In the frame of the project, except Javakheti, at other protected areas’ visitor center, stands within the historical, natural, arts, natural and heritage stands, exhibition and various events will be organized.