Project My School in Nature

Project My School in Nature
On November 20th, 2013, the Imereti Caves Protected Areas hosted the first event carried out in the framework of the project “My School in Nature”. Secondary school students from the village of Dimi, a part of the Baghdati Municipality, participated in the event. Besides seeing the highlights of the Imereti region, the students also visited Sataplia and Prometheus caves. Additionally, students had the opportunity to attend an educational lecture on the history and importance of Georgia’s existing national parks and protected areas, as well as the importance of establishing more parks and protected areas. The lecture was led by an eco-educational specialist from the Agency of Protected Areas.
The Agency of Protected Areas has initiated the“My School in Nature” project in order to raise awareness of the importance of protecting Georgia’s natural heritage and environment in younger generations.
Similar events will be held at other public and private schools in Tbilisi and in other educational institutions located in the regions. Schools interested in taking part in the educational tours are welcome to call the Agency of Protected Areas at the hotline number *8888 or to contact the APA’s eco-education specialist by e-mail at For more information about the project’s destinations and other activities, please visit the following link: