Study Visit to Estonia

Study Visit to Estonia




Within the framework of the development cooperation project between the Agency of Protected Areas of Georgia and the Environmental Board of Estonia “Administrating National Protected Areas Network and Practical Nature Conservation” Chairman and staff members of the Agency of Protected Areas are visiting Estonia on an exchange study tour.

The project is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia and will last for nine months, ending in May, 2015. The project goals are to exchange and replicate the Estonian’s experience in administration and management of national protected areas networks in Estonia and for Georgia to identify possible future spin-off projects. It consists of the following topics: Introduction to Estonian nature protection system (including regulations from EU), exchanging contacts between APA and Environmental Board, identification options of further co-operation, methods for remote research and monitoring in protected area management, and value-based forestry and forest damage assessment in protected areas.

Within the project, five exchange visits between Estonia and Georgia will take place.The project will support capacity building of the staff of the Protected Areas and will enhance cooperation between two countries.
