Meeting with Population of Pshav-Khevsureti living in Gardabani

Meeting with Population of Pshav-Khevsureti living in Gardabani

On December 18, 2013, the Chairman of the Agency of Protected Areas Rati Japaridze held a meeting with the representatives of the Pshav-Khevsureti community who were relocated to Gardabani municipality. The purpose of the meeting was to debate the bill of establishment of Pshav-Khevsureti Protected Areas, which was introduced with the support of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Starting in 2015, Pshav –Khevsureti will function as a legal entity of the Agency of Protected Areas.

The meeting was attended by the Head of the Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Committee Gia Tsagareishvili, Majority Deputy of Akhmeta Municipality Zurab Zviadauri and the Head of Regional Policy and Self Government Committee Irakli Tripolski.

It should be noted that the process of relocation of locals from Pshav-Khevsuratei has started in the in the mid-1960s. Part of the population was regularly visiting their homelands, at least during the summer season. However, the tendency of unconditionally abandoning their ancestors’ homes has become very apparent in recent years. A similar issue has been observed in the neighboring province of Mta-Tusheti, but with the establishment of Tusheti Protetcted Areas in 2003, the socio-economic situation among the local population has been drastically changed. Eco-tourism and guesthouse networks have been developed and created the opportunity for residents to generate additional income during the summertime. Due to this reason, Tushetians have started to return to their homeland - not only in the summer. Some families have resettled in Tusheti as year-round residents. As a result of its protected status, the region has undergone redevelopment and repatriation.

Similar to Tusheti, should the bill regarding the establishment of Pshav-Khevsureti Protected Areas be adopted, it will provide incentive for community members who have relocated to return to their homeland. The public discussion of the proposed law intended familiarization of all stakeholders with the new opportunities and to answer all outstanding questions.