Social projects between the villages’ communities

On 26, 27 and 28th of June in the frame of program Support of Protected Areas in the Caucasus – Georgia, between Kazbegi municipality’s villages’ social projects  competitions had been held in order to facilitate kazbegi National Park’s nearby villages’ development. The above was attended by the Minister of the Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia and Chairwoman of the Agency of Protected Areas Natia Kobakhidze.

SSPA – Georgia is 5 years program (2014-2019) that is financed by Kfw, in the frame of German cooperation in Caucasus. Target protected areas are: kazbegi, Kintrishi, Algeti and Pshav-Khevsureti. The program aims to raise management efficiency of protected areas, and at the same time enhance social conditions of the communities living nearby. Program executor is Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia, and the implementer is Agency of Protected Areas. GFA consulting group is supporting Government of Georgia in order the program to be managed in affective manner.