TWINING Project implementation in the Protected Areas of Georgia

TWINING Project implementation in the Protected Areas of Georgia

On January 27 there was the meeting in the Imereti Caves Protected Areas Administration. within the European Union financed Twinning project: “Strengthening Management of Protected Areas of Georgia”.

The major subjects of this meeting were problems and potential of the administration of the Imereti Caves Protected Areas. Above mentioned information is necessary to elaborate new management plan which represents the direct request of the law and is very essential for successful implementation of the project. The training project involves 3 components:

• Raising qualification of the staff involved in the management plan elaboration;
• Enhancing understanding of EU Nature protection legislation
• Development of consultation process with local partners

The meeting besides Rati Jafaridze, with the status of stakeholder was attended by: the director of Imereti Caves Protected Areas Administration - Zaal Kvantaliani, the representatives of the local municipalities (Khoni, Tskaltubo, Terjola and Kutaisi) and National Tourism Administration of Kutaisi.
At the meeting the resident Twinning advisor - Mike Garforth and the expert Sisi Samech shared their knowledge and experience to the audience.

The project has started in May 2013. It implies working with the administrations of 4 protected areas (Lagodekhi, Imereti, Mtirala and Ajameti). The first stage was implemented in Lagodekhi and after which same process started for Imereti Caves Protected Areas. The project also implies the development of Mtirala and Ajameti protected areas management plans, where additional meetings will take place.