Vashlovani Protected Areas has been awarded with European Diploma

European Diploma award ceremony had been held at Vashlovani National Park that was attended by the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia Gigla Agulashvili, Deputy Minister Ekaterine Grigalava, Chairman of Democratic Initiative Department of Council of Europe Eladio Fernandez Galiano, Chairman of the Agency of Protected Areas Lasha Moistsrapishvili, representatives of Georgian National Tourism Administration, donor organizations and local government. This diploma is awarded for a five-year period to the protected areas for the outstanding scientific, cultural or aesthetic qualities. The award of the European Diploma will serve as a stimulus for further efficient protection, popularization and recognition at the international level of the protected areas of Georgia. It has to be mentioned, that so far, 74 protected areas of European countries have received the European Diploma.

It must be noted that at the end of the ceremony, in the frame of project Colchis Pheasant Restoration in Natural Habitats financed by Environment Global Fund and United Nations Development Program, pheasants had been released into wild nature.