Workshop had been held in Baku

On 9th-10th March workshop had been held by the organization of World Wildlife Fund (WWF), which aimed gazelle reintroduction topics discussion.
The meeting had been attended by the Deputy Chairwoman of the Agency of Protected Areas Tamar Kvantaliani and Chief Specialist of Planning and Developing Unite Khatuna Tsiklauri. At the meeting planned results of gazelle reintroduction results and planning future activities.
Ongoing Project estimated in a successful way. The above project will be continued in future too. In 2017-2020 years, by the support of World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the Government of Azerbaijan, gazelles reintroduction is being implemented at Vashlovani Protected Areas since 2013.
In Georgia, 38 gazelles were leaded. In 2015 years gazelles were born too. The above meeting were attended by the representatives of World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan, and the specialists group of IUCN.